Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Your daily dose

Today's daily dose comes via the Shaklee Corp facebook page.

Like orange creamsicles? Try this recipe made with Shaklee products:

Fill your blender with Get Clean Water:
Add 3 or 4 heaping spoonfuls of Orange Performance
Add 2 scoops of Vanilla Cinch
...Add a scoop or two of Banana Physique
Add a load of ice and blend

Pour into a chilled glass and enjoy!

To your health,
Designer Hippie Mom

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Your daily dose

Holistic expert Barbara Hendel, M.D. reveals that staying well-hydrated is proven to increase your muscles' ability to convert food into energy by as much as 10% and cut your fatigue level 50%.

What's in your water?

Click here and get clean water today! 

To your health,
Designer Hippie Mom

Real moms at home making a difference

Here is a story about a single mom raising an amazing daughter while making a difference at home! I am lucky to know her and have her as my business partner and mentor.

Are you ready to be the next mom at home making a difference?

To your health,
Designer Hippie Mom

Friday, July 8, 2011

Your daily dose

Here is a recipe for a minty hair rinse to boost your hair's body.

*2 mint tea bags
*1/2 cup boiling water
*2tbs. apple cider vinegar

Steep tea in boiling water for 2-4 minutes. Remove tea bags and cool. Stir in the vinegar and pour into a resealable bottle. After you shampoo, condition and rinse your hair, pour the mint rinse into hair and scalp. Do Not Rinse. Massage in and style as usual. 

(Yields one application)

To your health, 
Designer Hippie Mom

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Your daily dose

Looking to lose weight? Try eating a big breakfast. "Skipping breakfast puts your body into panic mode, making it hoard calories instead of burn them," explains John Acquaviva, Ph.D. Research suggests filling up on a healthy, hearty breakfast helps you lose about a pound a week. A hearty, healthy breakfast includes one that combines eggs (protein) with oatmeal, whole-grain pancakes or other healthy carbs. I never need an excuse to eat breakfast, it's my favorite meal of the day!

To your health,
Designer Hippie Mom

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Your daily dose

There are many reasons everyone should be using nontoxic cleaners. A new study recently revealed environmental factors may be just as important as genes in autism.

You can make a difference by purchasing our Get Clean starter kit.

Get Clean gives you cleaning choices that are nontoxic and natural and don’t contain any of these harmful ingredients:
  • uVolatile organic cleaning compounds
  • Kerosene
  • uPhenol
  • uCresol
  • uLye
  • uHydrochloric acid
  • uSulfuric acid
  • uSulfamic acid
  • uPetroleum distillates
  • uAmmonia
  • uSodium hydroxide
  • uButyl cellosolve
  • uPhosphoric acid
  • uFormaldehyde
  • uMorpholine
Purchasing one get clean kit:
• Eliminates 108 pounds of  packaging waste from landfills
• Eliminates 248 pounds of greenhouse gases 
Click here to get yours today and see why Oprah chose the Get Clean Kit as one of her favorite things.  Why wait?

 To your health, 
Designer Hippie Mom 
Watch Get Clean on Rachel Ray:

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Your daily dose

I am in the middle of reading this incredible book called MediSin by Dr. Scott Whitaker, ND & Jose Fleming, CN, MH. Today I don't have a recipe for a facial mask or health tip, I just want to share a powerful excerpt from the book.

"Instead of spending a few dollars a month on nutritional supplements that would prevent these chronic diseases and aggressive behaviors, we end up spending hundreds of billions of dollars a year on building new prisons and treating people with expensive prescriptions and mind-altering drugs. When it comes to children, for example, instead of giving them the good they need to be healthy, which prevents these disorders, we dose them on Ritalin, antidepressants and mind-altering drugs. This is good for the drug pushers (pharmaceutical companies), but it impairs the child's learning capability while at the same time increasing the child's risk of violent behavior and suicide." (MediSin, P. 249-250)

I highly recommend this book. It is very eye opening and explains why we need to get back to the way the Creator intended.

To your health,
Designer Hippie Mom

Monday, July 4, 2011

Your daily dose

As if we need another reason not to work, here is one more... Researchers found that the stress triggered by 45 mins of computer work caused women to consume 230 more calories at their next meal, compared to women who simply relaxed. The RX to dodge excess pounds: take regular breaks while working. However, if you find that you are too busy to take that time out for yourself, I recommend shaklee's stress relief complex. The stress relief complex:
• Promotes a calm, relaxed state without causing drowsiness*
• Allows you to be more alert and able to concentrate during times of stress*
• Helps blunt cortisol, a stress-response hormone that can affect long-term health*
• Enhances the body’s ability to adapt to everyday stress*

Click here to get yours today!

To your health,
Designer Hippie Mom

 * These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Your daily dose

Are you suffering from thinning hair? It could be due to stress, aging, or genetics. I recommend taking a vitamin B complex. The B complex will promote the growth of hair follicle cells and boots the production keratin and collagen, which are the building blocks of hair. Additionally, vitamin D3 promotes healthy hair metabolism, so I recommend getting more sunlight or supplementing with vitamins. Get our B complex and Vitamin D3 by clicking each one.

To your health,
Designer Hippie Mom

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Real moms at home making a difference

Married for 17 years and then a sudden divorce; where did this mother of 3 turn when she suddenly became a single parent who hadn't worked for 10 years? This is Beth's amazing story. She is a real mom at home making a difference.

Are you ready to be my next real mom at home making a difference? If you are ready, contact me.

To your health,
Designer Hippie Mom

"The fact is, great people are really just ordinary people with an extraordinary amount of determination. Great people don’t know how to quit." - Rick Warren

Your daily dose

No time for a pedicure or trying to save money? Here is a DIY trick to smooth out dry skin and cracked heels. You will need the following:

A blender
2 cucumbers
2tbs of lemon juice
2tbs of olive oil
2 plastic baggies

In a blender puree the cucumbers add the lemon juice and olive oil. Evenly distribute the mixture in the two baggies. Place each foot in a baggie and leave on for 5 mins. Rinse and go!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Your daily dose

Do you want to smooth away half of  your cellulite?

A build up of toxins in your system can result in cellulite. The toxins cause the connective tissue to weaken and allows buoyant fat cells to rise to the surface. According to Dr. Laura Skellchock, dermatologist, "a daily massage increases the lymphatic drainage of toxins in trouble areas, which can reduce cellulite by up to 50%". The fix: Apply olive oil to your ankles and massage into your skin in long, deep strokes as you move up your leg.

To your health,
Designer Hippie Mom